Where is Molly is a stand alone book written by H.D Carlton. It is set in the Universe of Haunting Adeline. The story revolves around Molly...the girl we found in Hunting Adeline. Her diary was founded by Adeline under the floor and us readers always wanted to know if she succeeded in running away from that awful place.
Dark Romance
Dark and somewhat cozy
Easy to Read
Complex Multilayered Characters
☙ Dark Romance
☙ Traumatic Past
☙ Crime, Abuse
☙ Horror and Suspense
☙ Contemporary Adult
☙ Happy Ending
I always wondered what happened to Molly from Hunting Adeline. The journals we read throughout the second book were somewhat hopeful and full of wishful thinking. She wanted to run away from that pace and find her sister. Where is Molly came out this year and I like all other readers was happy that we got to read her story.
Molly was kidnapped and trained in that place mentioned in Hunting Adeline. This book explains how she escaped from that place and then faked her death so that she could make a place for herself in this world. The main character who helped her in that process is Cage who works for a similar organisation trying to help such girls.
Anyway, the chemistry between Molly and Cage was really good. The book was somewhat short but it's okay..it's a spin off. On the whole it was a good read. Although some parts of the book were really gross 😅.... related particularly to Molly's work. On the whole the book is goodread....and Molly finds her happy ending. I am really happy for her and I recommend it.
Overall: ★★★★ | 4 Stars
Plot: ★★★★ | 4 Stars
Characters: ★★★★ | 4 Stars
Ending: ★★★★★| 5 Stars
Spice Level: 🌶🌶🌶| 3/5
☙ Molly finding her sister
☙ Molly and Cage having happily ever after
☙ None.