The Poisoner Book Blurb "Have you ever wondered how long it would take for a lethal dose of arsenic to kill you? Thirty-five hours, twenty-nine minutes, and fifteen seconds. I should know. I counted myself." Amidst the gaslit alleys and cobblestone streets of Victorian London, two killers find themselves entangled in a waltz they cannot escape. Alina Lis, a botanist and hobbyist poisoner, has a pastime of killing unsavory men in her twisted sense of poetic justice. When she targets the conceited playboy, Silas Forbes, only to find him in her apothecary the following week, she discovers human men are the least of her problems. The pair’s unlikely association sparks gossip among affluent society. As their mysterious bond deepens, a chilling truth emerges—concealed identities, lurking foes, and questions as plentiful as the hydra’s head brew within this haunting Gothic tale of violent passion. Will Silas and Alina find themselves in each other's arms, or will the shadows ...
The Awakening | Zodiac Academy Series written by Caroline Peckham and Suzanne Valenti | A Book Review
Alright, here I am, sharing my thoughts on the first book The Awakening from Zodiac Academy series written by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti . I decided to start reviewing this series as it falls under the 'enemies to lovers ' and 'bullies romance' genres, which are right up my alley. I'm a sucker for this type of book and I am always on the hunt for such books. Someone made a video of this book on TikTok and I was like I had to read it. So, I began reading the book and I fell into a rabbit hole of Magic Academy, hot assholes, and alternative Fae world. It felt like diving into a more mature version of Harry Potter. Needless to say, I absolutely loved this first installment. GENRE Bully Paranormal Romance THEME AND TONE Mystery, Drama, Action LANGUAGE AND WRITING STYLE Easy to Read CHARACTERS Growing and Changing characters TROPES ☙ Bully Romance ☙ Insane Chemistry ☙ Lost Princesses ☙ Multiple Love Interests ☙ Teacher Student Romance ☙ Hate to Hate and ...